David Chu

About Me

My name is David Chu and I am in third-year Machine Intelligence Engineering at the University of Toronto. I am excited by the advances in computer vision and ML architecture.

My hobbies include discovering the world on my bike, enjoying the wind and waves through sailing, and exploring music on the piano.

Check out my Resume and CV (ask me if you're interested in seeing these!)


Bachelor of Applied Science in Engineering Science, University of Toronto (2018-2022)
  • Specialty in Machine Intelligence Engineering, cGPA: (ask me if you're interested in seeing this!)
  • Strong interpersonal skills within a team environment and excellent at communicating complex ideas
  • Familiar with working at the intersection of math, science and engineering first principles

Professional Experience

Regulatory Engineering Intern, Kepler Communications (Summer 2020)
  • Full-stack development using Flask framework, SQL, HTML, and JavaScript
  • Designed and implemented a secure database to store and retrieve international laws and regulations. Created UI to create, view, and modify entries on dynamic webpage
  • Created interactive map to allow user to click on countries and view the radiofrequency emission laws relevant to the country
  • Researched data structures and algorithms to optimize the run-time efficiency for tracing satellite’s radiofrequency emissions along Earth’s surface

Sailing Instructor (CANSail 3/4), The National Yacht Club (Summer 2019)
  • Coached sailors at the pre-race level in the competitive C420 sailboat class
  • Provided athletic, tactical, and mental training. Acted as support person to young athletes

My Hobbies

My hobbies include discovering the world on my bike, enjoying the wind and waves through sailing, and exploring music on the piano.


Welcome to my portfolio! You can get a sense of how I build, think, and work.


Check out my GitHub for a full list of my projects. I can code numeric computation (Python, MATLAB), full-stack development (SQL, HTML, Bootstrap, Flask), and low-level/hardware (C/C++, Verilog). A few highlights are below.

Chess Front-End and AI (2020 December - 2021 January)

Create a virtual two-player chess game with an optional chess AI. See Chess

Project Starship (2020 December)

Create a physics engine to model the flight of a starship with specific properties, such as propulsion, mass, energy conversion, and momentum transfer. See Starship

CabbageJumble-aya (2020 October - 2020 December)

Coin counting AI using state-of-the-art deep learning computer vision architectures. See CabbageJumble-aya

Real-Time Target Tracker (2020 February - 2020 March)

Real-time target tracking using Classical computer vision algorithms to identify a mock electric car's charging port. See Charging Port

Chess AI (2019 February)

Chess AI the looks 4 moves deep in a reduced subset of chess and plays the ideal move. Utilizes Alpha-Beta pruning to reduce runtime. See EZChess


Recommendations? Feel free to drop me some!

Reading and Writing

Check out some pieces that I have written and the latest books I have read.

Book Reviews


Do you have any interesting projects? Contact me if you are interested in collaboration.


Made with ❤️ by David Chu, 2020